1955-1956 Packard Patrician

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It was during the summer I went away to Boy Scout Camp that Packard released this series of cars.  I lived in a large urban complex right across the river from New York City and one of my friends and my pass times was car hunting. We would ride our bikes around the city and spot the unusual cars as they drove by or were parked. One of the new features on these cars was the Torsion Level suspension and related road leveling technology. This allowed the car to be close to level as it went up or down steep hills. When we found one parked, we would stand on the front or rear bumper and allow the car to lift us up to level the car. Then we would jump of and hear the leveler take over again and move the end of the car back to level again. Luckily, the batteries were good enough to have enough juice left to start the cars when the owners got into drive away.


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This car marked the last car that Packard made under their name. This last-gasp vehicle tired unsuccessfully to save the brand with new innovative engineering and new features. It did not work. The link below has some interesting information on this, the last of the Packards.
Click Here for more information.

The video below concentrates on this era in the life of The Packard Car Company and its demise.


Also, have a look at the following vedio which centers more on the car in this article. View the 2nd clip in this video it is about the 1955-1956 Packard.

© Fred Winograd copyright 2009, 2013