1960 Plymouth Valiant

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This car was designed to look “European” and be economical to run. The car had a new slant-six engine and that allowed for a longer intake manifold and a lowerer transmission tunnel.

Aside from its somewhat radical styling, the new car would have a number of mechanical innovations, capped off by its slant-six engine. It would be called the Valiant and initially be offered for sale at both Plymouth and Dodge dealers.

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© Fred Winograd copyright 2010

I’ll Bet You’ve Never Seen This Car Before!

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I was on a walking tour in San Francisco climbing and walking down endless pubic staircases. About a block of the trail, we made a wrong turn and wound up in this cul-de-sac. Well maybe it was fate because there was this car, a Toyota, I think. There were about 15 of us on the trek. Most thout this car was “Way Cool”.

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