A Rose By Any Name, Revised

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This is an update to a post made back in 2009. While reading the San Francisco Chronicle this weekend I saw an article that reminded me of this car. It is in a Sunday section called “My Ride” and I read it every weekend. Anyway, this weeks story was about a person who bought a 1975 Rolls Royce and had it overheat on the ride home. In reviewing this post, I see that I wrongly classified the year of this model. This actually looks like a 1962 Silver Clod Salon car.

Rolls Royce is a very special car. It looks so elegant and timeless and is shown here in my neighborhood, just parked at the local grocery store. I think this car is a late 1980 or so, but this is just a guess.

Click on the picture to Z O O M in.

Click on the picture to Z O O M in.

© Fred Winograd copyright 2009, 2011

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